Manufacturing companies face multiple challenges in today’s landscape, and having a highly skilled workforce is key to overcoming those challenges. We offer resources that will help you attract and retain qualified employees, as well as develop and strengthen your workforce.
Manufacturing Works offers group learning, roundtables, supervisory training, and strategic planning for employees and leaders at all levels within your organization.
We find the subject matter experts that are best-equipped to facilitate peer-to-peer learning groups covering the most relevant topics related to company growth and profitability. Employees gain valuable networking and professional development opportunities while staying on top of the latest strategies and trends in many manufacturing topics.
"The greatest benefit to Cleveland Steel Tool has been spreading the gospel of Lean and 5S past the senior management level, to allow foremen and machine operators to hear from their peers about the benefits of the process. Sharing ideas within a controlled environment is a far superior learning technique than internet videos or classroom pedagogues."
President - Cleveland Steel Tool Co.
Our four-part professional development series, custom designed for Manufacturing Works, helps participants embrace their critical roles and builds upon their existing supervisory skills as we explore these topics:
For more information about current course offerings, visit out Events page. For more options, including in-house training for your entire team, contact Brianna Schultz at 216.920.1967.
Industry technicians who are retired or in transition can assist classrooms and support teachers with hands-on learning that prepares students for work experiences and industry certifications.
Our apprenticeship programs are run through the Manufacturing Works Apprenticeship Consortium. This is a network of manufacturing companies working together to provide career opportunities for individuals in our community. We handle the administration and companies focus on on-the-job training and coaching. Apprenticeships include paid job training and technical training.
We're currently training for the following occupations:
To build Ohio’s manufacturing talent pipeline, Manufacturing Works is part of the Ohio Manufacturing Workforce Partnership (OMWP) a statewide initiative to upskill 5,000 Ohioans through innovative earn-and-learn (apprenticeship) strategies. The program is funded by a $12 million, four-year U.S. Department of Labor grant.
View our Quarterly Apprenticeship Consortium Newsletter.
Employers interested in joining the consortium should contact Beth Dawson, Director of Apprenticeship Program, at 216.920.1963.
If you're interested in having access to all of these programs and training opportunities, contact us today. Manufacturing Works membership is ready to deliver the workforce development solutions you need to grow the skillsets of your employees—and your business.
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