Join a Manufacturing Works Committee

Manufacturing Works offers different volunteer opportunities that support Northeast Ohio and Cleveland manufacturing.

Our Board of Directors and other committees provide community volunteers opportunities that strengthen manufacturing relationships—which can lead to new business, new markets, and new talent.

Current committees:

  • Board of Directors: Governs the organization to ensure Manufacturing Works achieves its mission and protects the public interest.
  • Executive: Manages the affairs of the organization between Board meetings.
  • Finance: Oversees the financial management of the organization, including general financial matters, audit management, risk management, and investment management.
  • Governance: Plans for Board leadership development and provides oversight to enhance the quality, effectiveness and future viability of the Board of Directors.
  • Manufacturing Excellence: Provides advice and direction for the development of programs and services that anticipate advances in manufacturing technologies.
  • Membership: Formulates and promotes programs to attract new members and retain existing ones.
  • Ownership Transition: Provides advice and direction for the development of programs and services that focus on business succession planning.
  • People: Oversees the annual compensation and performance review of the organization’s President and Executive Director, reviews personnel policies, and supports the President and Executive Director in personnel matters.
  • Resource Development: Ensures financial resources are adequate to support the organization’s strategic plan and Manufacturing Works’ sustainability.
  • Workforce Development: Helps develop the talent pipeline for manufacturing businesses through Manufacturing Works’ adult and youth workforce programs.

Committee members commit to volunteering 12 hours per year; the Board of Directors commits to 30.

For additional information about joining a committee, contact Anne Schaum, Vice President of Operations, at 216.920.1962.

Host Manufacturing Works Events

By hosting plant tours or networking events, you give attendees opportunities to learn—firsthand—how a successful local manufacturing facility is run.

Each of our networking events brings together 50 to 100+ members of the Northeast Ohio manufacturing community. Attendees include business owners, C-suite executives, HR and sales professionals, as well as individuals who work alongside manufacturing companies.

Engage Your Future Workforce

Today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce. Get involved by sharing your experience in a classroom, hosting a plant tour, providing a job shadowing opportunity, or sponsoring an intern.

Volunteer Teaching Students about Manufacturing Equipment
young man working with manufacturing equipment
Man Working with Small Parts


Volunteer with Manufacturing Works Today

All Northeast Ohio manufacturing companies have a stake in how this industry moves forward. Get involved by volunteering or providing financial support.

Volunteer Today