Manufacturing Works Blog

Leadership Training for Manufacturing Companies

By Brianna Schultz - June 16, 2021

Why Leadership Training Is Important in Manufacturing

One of the biggest challenges faced when growing a business is developing leadership skills at all levels within the organization. In fact, more than 50% of senior leaders believe that their talent development efforts don’t adequately build critical skills and organizational capabilities - that's because becoming an effective leader is no small feat. Here’s why leadership development is critical to the long-term success of your manufacturing company.

Gain the Knowledge Necessary to Develop Leaders Throughout Your Company

Essential leadership skills are the foundation of creating a work environment that elevates all aspects of a manufacturing operation, from the assembly line to management.

Effective leaders get everyone to buy into the mission: They motivate and inspire, empower their team, and give employees credit when they succeed. As you’re thinking about manufacturing leadership training, consider the following benefits:

Increased Productivity

People are at the heart of productivity, and knowing how to make employees happy and more inclined to increase output is important to leadership. Poor leadership negatively impacts employee satisfaction, which in turn negatively impacts employee productivity. Countless research has shown that in highly productive companies, effective leadership raises productivity

Improved Company Culture

While every employee impacts an organization’s direction, leadership has the largest and most direct effect on company culture. Leaders can reinforce organizational values by helping their people grow and develop through goal setting, opportunities, and recognition. 

Organizations with cultures that focus on their people and invest in their future will be more competitive than cultures that view employees as mere costs to be reduced in times of trouble. Effective leadership understands this and uses its knowledge to strive toward establishing first-in-class company culture.

Improved Corporate Communication

Communication plays a crucial role in leadership. When done well, effective corporate communication can make team members feel supported in their role. It also makes their jobs easier as expectations and rewards for a job well done are clear. As a result, improved communication throughout the manufacturing hierarchy can increase morale overall, and that begins with clear and consistent messaging from effective leaders.

Better Employee Retention Rates

Especially in today’s market, it’s essential to retain talented employees who are loyal to the organization and can contribute effectively. Leadership is responsible for ensuring all team members are content with their work and share a good rapport amongst themselves. Effective leadership gives manufacturing employees the trust that decisions are thought out before implementation. When employees have confidence in leadership, they’re less likely to seek employment elsewhere.

Nurture Future Leaders

Leadership training is an essential component of succession planning at every company. You need to be strategic about developing and nurturing future leaders. Organizations without a defined leadership development strategy restrict their employees from expanding a skill set that can help them live up to their full potential inside and outside of work. 

Once you’ve identified those who have what it takes, provide them with targeted leadership training. Nurturing future leaders not only supports succession planning but also offers career pathways to employees, further increasing retention. 

Improve Your Leadership Skills

Efficient processes are important to success in manufacturing, and individuals who are motivated, skilled, and highly trained are what make those processes work. 

At Manufacturing Works, we help manufacturers succeed and grow their leadership skills. We also create a self-supporting community—by connecting businesses and industry leaders to resources (and each other), while helping them engage their local communities.

Our Leadership Institute program builds upon this and provides a unique opportunity for you to develop leaders and build a steady, reliable pipeline of leadership talent. It also helps you expand your network and gain the knowledge necessary to develop leaders throughout your company. 

For more information on the program and how you or your organization can get involved, contact us today. We'll talk about expanding network connections and help your team gain the knowledge needed to develop them into leaders in the manufacturing space. 

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